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How do I replace a faulty product in Cyprus? 

As of 1 January 2022, new legislation on warranty and replacement of defective goods came into force in the EU. The new rules apply throughout the European Union.

According to the Consumer Protection Service of the Cypriot Ministry of Energy, Trade, and Industry, the changes occurred in the following areas:

  • The right to a legal warranty. Suppose a product the consumer has bought is defective or not up to standards. The customer has the right to replace the product (or its defective part), a partial refund (if the product is retained), or a refund with compensation. The product warranty is valid for two years;
  • The right to a replacement product or a refund. In case of a serious defect in the purchased goods within 30 days from the date of delivery of the purchase to the customer, the customer has the right to replace the product with a new one or return it with a refund of the money paid;
  • The right to prompt repair. If a purchased product has a problem, it must be repaired within a reasonable period, not exceeding 25 days from the date the buyer notified the seller of the issue. This period may be extended only with the verbal consent of the customer;
  • The right to an extension of the warranty period. The time it takes to replace/repair the goods or to negotiate between the seller and the customer to resolve the problem must be added to the two-year warranty period. The seller must issue an acceptance report to the customer if the customer returns the product for repair or replacement of a defective part. The customer has the right to request a written report from the seller on the technical condition of the products.

How does the EU protect consumer rights?

Suppose a product bought by a consumer turns out to be defective or does not meet the characteristics used in advertising. In that case, the seller must repair or replace the bought product, reduce its price, or refund the money. If a consumer buys a product or service online or outside the store (by phone, mail, or at home), he also has the right to cancel the purchase and request a refund within 14 days, with or without stating the reason.

The minimum guarantee period within the EU is two years. This period may be extended (but not reduced) by the legislation of each country. The warranty period starts when the customer receives the product. If the goods are defective or show operating faults during the warranty period, the seller is obliged to offer the customer a solution.

If the goods show malfunctions within the first six months of purchase, these faults are presumed to have existed before the buyer purchased the goods and not caused by the buyer (unless the seller can prove otherwise). Consequently, the buyer is entitled to a free repair or replacement of the goods, a partial refund and keep the goods, or a full refund. If the malfunctions begin later than six months from the date of purchase, the consumer is entitled to free repair and partial or full compensation but must prove that the problem already existed at the time of purchase.

New warranty rules for digital goods, software, and smart devices also came into effect on 1 January 2022. This measure guarantees a certain level of consumer protection for online purchases throughout the European Union. Consumer rights are also protected when downloading purchased goods (e.g., software or music) and digital services.